If you'd like to fundriase for Lives Not Knives as a young person, we will use our fundraising knowledge and expertise to assist you, whether you are supporting us as an individual or as part of a school or local club.

Some simple fundraising ideas that you and your friends can organise with your teachers at school or local club.

  • Book sale – Ask everyone to bring in an unwanted book and pay to buy another.
  • Cake Fest – Ask for cake donations and sell them at lunch time and after school at a stall in the Playground.
  • Car wash – Get the sponges out and get the whole school involved in washing parents’ cars - best as a summer term activity.
  • Fête – Get involved with an LNK stand at your school summer fete.
  • Mufti day – tried, tested, and loved by pupils everywhere! Ask pupils to pay a set donation (£1 or £2 each) to wear their own clothes to school.
  • Sponsored -  Walk, swim, run, sing, dance, skip or whistle -  and ask for sponsorship while doing so!
  • Wig Wednesday – Don a colourful wig and make a donation in return.
  • Hula Hoop Contest – Ask all participants to pay a fee and award the winner!
  • Sell LNK t-shirts at School – email info@livesnotknives.org for further information